Tuesday 26 January 2010

Reliving old memories

There have been some amazing shows over the years at TYA and with the pantomime coming up, here are a selection of some of the productions the company has done over the years...

The Dark Tales of the Night

TYA's first performance was in 2006: The Dark Tales of The Night based on ‘The Grim Tales’. Small groups each performed a different tale and gave their own interpretation of the stories. The success of this performance gave everyone confidence and the desire to stage more productions. The Nantwich Young Actors raised money from this performance for the Shelter Box Appeal.


Cinderella was the second production by TYA and was performed in 2007 at Malbank High School. The pantomime itself was split into different sections to enable everyone to work within smaller groups to develop the performance and to ensure that every student had the opportunity to show their skills and the improvement made over their time with TYA. Some sections of the play were written by the students themselves and all costumes were designed and chosen by them as well.

Under the Influence

This performance really allowed the students to understand the development of a production and the process of putting one together, beginning with auditions and ending with a fantastic show! Wacky Soap explored some serious issues whilst including songs and monologues as well as plenty of comedy moments.

TYA have put on other shows, some without script, one developed purely from the stimulus of a simple myth. 

'Sleeping Beauty' will be performed on 6th February at Malbank School, with one performance at 12, and a second at 2.30. Tickets are £3.50, email actconfident_actnatural@hotmail.com for more information. TYA dance group will also be performing.



Saturday 23 January 2010

Musical Theatre

I really enjoyed the musical theatre session today with Rob and Joel. It was really great to do some musical based work and just have fun!

In the session, we worked on a scene from Billy Elliot the Musical, where we learnt a routine from the show :) we then put the routine to the actual music from the show which was amazing! Also, we did some warm-up activities, one of which was called hands and arms. This was a really great activity and was very funny!

I will definitely be going again to musical theatre and recommend it to everyone! It was fantastic and I definitely would like to do more musical theatre in the future :)

Holly Dickson

Musical Theatre is run from 12.45-1.45 at Malbank School, and will resume again on 13th Feb.

Email actconfident_actnatural@hotmail.com for more information. 



Two weeks to go...

This week Nantwich Young Actors have been continuing rehearsals for the pantomime which is only 2 weeks away! It's looking really good, and this week the group started painting the scenery too, ready for the dress rehearsal next week. 

The Little Actors are working on a journey through space and are continuing to develop their skills as young performers, as well as gaining invaluable confidence and having a really great time!

After Young Actors, Rob West ran a musical theatre session with students, which has had fantastic feedback already! 

Next week is an all day rehearsal for students where they will end the day with a dress rehearsal for the pantomime.

Students rehearse for the pantomime

Staging and positions are finalised for the show

Students paint key pieces of set

'Sleeping Beauty' will be performed on 6th February at Malbank School, with one performance at 12, and a second at 2.30. Tickets are £3.50, email actconfident_actnatural@hotmail.com for more information. TYA dance group will also be performing.  



Thursday 21 January 2010

The first of many...

Welcome to this brand new blog from TYA! You'll be able to see updates for The Young Actors and keep up to date with workshops and shows. Pictures and videos will also be uploaded from the sessions. There will also be extra blog entries from the students themselves.

Over the past couple of months, the older group at Nantwich Young Actors have been working on the pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty' and we're now only a few weeks away from the show. Before Christmas, the students put together a fantastic opening and worked in smaller groups to put together individual scenes, and the panto was really taking shape. In the next rehearsals, as well as finalising the show, the students will design and make the set and costumes. 

Students work on the opening of the show.

The Little Actors at Nantwich have been doing a variety of workshops, and the week before Christmas enjoyed a special workshop by Jon from Malpas Young Actors. 

Nantwich  Little Actors

 Christmas fancy dress at TYA

Students learning choreography for a dance in the pantomime

'Sleeping Beauty' will be performed on 6th February at Malbank School, with one performance at 12, and a second at 2.30. Tickets are £3.50, email actconfident_actnatural@hotmail.com for more information. TYA dance group will also be performing.
