Wednesday 30 June 2010

Sunday 13 June 2010

The finished product...


Slow it down...

This week at TYA was all about controlling your body, and being able to keep focus. Students began with exercises that made them take on different characteristics and change their walk. They were then split into two groups which became rival fans at a football match, reacting to the game in slow motion, and then reacting to each other. They then joined together to make a human bomb which, with the aid of a smoke machine and atmospheric lighting, exploded in slow motion. They then all creating the beginning of a battle, and advanced in the same way.

The students then split into their groups and continued work on their plays, coming together at the end to share their work so far.

The musical theatre group continues to grow and work on all the pieces for the showcase. They are constantly producing high quality work and their confidence is increasing every week.


Friday 4 June 2010

Nantwich Young Actors

This term at TYA has been full of creativity as the group has been working on their own plays from a variety of different texts. These will be performed at the end of this term as part of the summer performance which also celebrates five years of TYA. 

The students worked on physical theatre through the poem 'The Jabberwocky', creating fantastical beasts and using the poem to inform their work. The group has also looked at the idea of stereotypes and how the characters they create can be used in their work.

The last week of term the students worked in a group to create a video on the theme of 'Health and Safety'. They showed maturity and a very high level of focus. They then used different emotions to make freeze-frames and improvise short scenes. 


Little Actors

The Little Actors have continued to work on a variety of schemes this month. The first was creating a street in a town, with different buildings and shops, as each of the children became different characters, such as hotel managers and hairdressers. All of them had to react when a developer told them that their homes were going to be destroyed. They worked in groups to create television interviews on their reactions to this news and how they were going to save the street.


Musical Theatre in the month of May

This term, the musical theatre group have continued to develop high quality pieces of work for their showcase, and the group has continued to grow. They worked on a brand new piece- Kid's Game from Blood Brothers, and also began a song from Chorus Line. Recently, they have added to One Short Day from Wicked and have created a short scene for part of the showcase.

Musical Theatre is 12.40-1.40 at Malbank High School, for age 11-18.


Malpas Young Actors

Malpas Young Actors


This term the little actors have focused on the story of an amazing zoo hidden deep in the forests of Japan. Using the imaginations of the group we ave travelled from a fine restaurant in Victorian London where two photographers set out, determined to capture the animals on film for the first time. 

As the photographers cross the oceans to the Zoo, their plans are overheard by a Seagull who decides he must warn his friend the zoo keeper and flies off soaring high above the ocean and the countryside of Japan.

After an exhausting journey through forests, grasslands, mountains and snow the two Victorians finally arrive at the gates. The Zoo keeper decides to admit them but much to the bewilderment of the photographers, as the flash of the camera ignites, the animals in front of them disappear to be replaced magically by the very elements of Japan that they have travelled through.

The children each created their own animals, chose a special power that best represented their animal and chose what they should transform into as the photographs were taken, for example snowflakes, trees, mountains and grass. The group created ancient Japanese scrolls which they kept to remind them of their powers as they discussed and developed the story. 


The Little Actors have now began work on the story of the Butterfly Hunter. 


The Young Actors have been unravelling the story of The Dancing Tiger. This story set in Ancient Japan is based around a 17th Century Japanese Emperor and his hunt for a most feared Assassin. It's a story that covers a lot of themes, not least Fear, Love, Loss, War, Revenge. Each week the proverb unveils a little more, and each session is aimed to allow the group to imagine, react, discuss and then recreate each part of the unfolding story.

The reactions and imaginations of the group make each week a story in it's own right as we journey through ancient Japan, and get a little closer to the true identity of the assassin known only to the people as The Dancing Tiger.

Malpas Young Actors is on Saturday mornings at Bishop Heber High School. For more information, visit