Thursday 24 February 2011

I've recieved some feedback from people about the Simon poster and I've tried changing the colours on it to the TYA colours.

Tell me what you think!

hope all your hols are going well!


Monday 21 February 2011

Hey guys it's Cal.
I took a few piccies the other day and I'm making them into posters.

This is the first one:

Please give me any feedback so that i can improve it and future posters as we want them to be perfect!!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Hey everyone it's Cal.

You all did some amazing work yesterday and some of them were very emotional.(i'm proud to say i didn't cry though!)

I hope everyone has a great break as you all deserve it and we'll see you soon.
Keep checking back here for more posts and I'll be making some posters soon so feedback on them would be appreciated.

Until then
See ya!

Friday 18 February 2011

Hey Guys It's edd

great rehearsal last week. some great pieces from the group, and i am looking forward to this Saturday to see what you guys can do.

hopefully we can do another great play!

like cal says keep on checking back here for more info about TYA
until then keep up the acting!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Hey guys and gals it's Cal Wilkinson. Edd Almond and myself will be updating the blog so keep checking back for our posts!

First of all I'd like to take this chance to say how well Romeo and Juliet went and how awsome everybody was!! Everyone who came to watch loved it and said how good it was so well done guys!

I can't wait to see what we do over the coming weeks and I know everyone will get stuck into whatever it is and give it their all.

Keep checking back here for posts from Edd or myself.
Until then,see ya!