Sunday 20 March 2011

Hey everyone it's Cal

First of all thank you to everyone who came to Nantwich on saturday from the Malpas TYA group. It was lovely to meet you all and to see what you get up to.
Secondly well done to everyone who performed. You all did a great job and really show off what TYA is about.We have so much talent between the groups! Can't wait to see everyone again soon and see what you have come up with at our next showcase.

Here are a few piccies from saturday

See you all soon

Tuesday 15 March 2011

hey guys and gals, just a reminder about this saturday.

The Malpas group are coming down and if you wish to you can perform a monologue, dance, music etc.
Remember to come a bit before 10.30 so that the Malpas actors can go if they need to.
Parents and others are free to come and watch if they wish!

Should be a great session!
