Tuesday 2 March 2010

Crisis In Paradise

This week during the Older Actors session the theme of Fame was continued, but this week was based around a crisis that the celebrity had suffered, and the consequences of this.

The warm-up for this week included the group understanding the voice better, and the how changing volume between characters has an impact on an improvised scene.

After this, the group worked in pairs, working on a short scene of the celebrity first talking about the crisis to their agent. This allowed for some really emotive and powerful scenes, with students being able to develop their character with strong emotions.

Given the word 'home' the students came up with short sentences or words around this theme. This allowed them to begin to picture a home environment in an effect way without the need of props or pictures.

The students then watched a short scene performed by the leaders, and produced their own improvisation from this, and a selection where shown in front of the whole group.

The group's focus in role and performance was fantastic this week, and their characters are really developing.

Next week, the students will face some important decisions in character!
(And maybe my camera will be fixed so there will be photos/video back on the blog!)

Next week, as well as normal sessions, Musical Theatre 12.30-1.30, Splat Art Group 10-11



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