Friday 29 October 2010

The Blog, The Blog, The Blog...

Oh dear, my beautiful people how I have neglected this space of expressionism and reflection. Essentially, I've not done the blog for a while! I must apologise for this immensely and so much has been going on, I'm taking this break to tell the world what we've been doing.

Romeo and Juliet as you've never seen it before! That's what we're trying to do and tomorrow the script is being written and the scenes you have already created being slotted into it. Some of the physical theatre being used in the scenes is simply amazing, the likes of which we have not witnessed at TYA before and I am very proud! If the play is anything like the work that is being produced now, it will be incredible. However, the dead line has been set and dedicated readers you may know it here first. The play will go up in seven sessions time! I know, the excitement is incredible, as is the creeping scene of dread, though I have absolute faith in all of us!

On a slightly different note, I must apologise again, this time for the lack of media up here. Though photo's and video's have been taken, the cable has been lost, so you may have to wait for these just a little while longer. So, until next time, goodbye, and stay safe!

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