Friday 29 October 2010

The Blog, The Blog, The Blog...

Oh dear, my beautiful people how I have neglected this space of expressionism and reflection. Essentially, I've not done the blog for a while! I must apologise for this immensely and so much has been going on, I'm taking this break to tell the world what we've been doing.

Romeo and Juliet as you've never seen it before! That's what we're trying to do and tomorrow the script is being written and the scenes you have already created being slotted into it. Some of the physical theatre being used in the scenes is simply amazing, the likes of which we have not witnessed at TYA before and I am very proud! If the play is anything like the work that is being produced now, it will be incredible. However, the dead line has been set and dedicated readers you may know it here first. The play will go up in seven sessions time! I know, the excitement is incredible, as is the creeping scene of dread, though I have absolute faith in all of us!

On a slightly different note, I must apologise again, this time for the lack of media up here. Though photo's and video's have been taken, the cable has been lost, so you may have to wait for these just a little while longer. So, until next time, goodbye, and stay safe!

Friday 8 October 2010

Exciting New Times!

So this week we tried some thing that neither Geoff or Me had ever tried! Well several things in fact! We stepped into a giant computer and travelled back and forward in time looking at different images to gain inspiration! Well, that was the idea! The work created was once again excellent, with a script being created in a matter of seconds by you guys! Good work!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Improvisation Madness!

This week was all about improvisation as we looked at exploring different themes in the play with improvisation. After a little encouragement we all got into it and had another great session and sowed the seeds for the next one. Enjoy guys!

The Impossible Machine

So, creating an impossible machine was one of the main parts of this week's session and this was the machine as a work in progress. I think you'll all agree just how good it looked!

Sunday 12 September 2010

Chanel Advert

So, we are thinking about adding a section on things we like and this is the first of the posts. Check out the advert again if you like and have a think about what makes it so good!

Adverts all Round

This week starts with a video. We have to thank Callum for this as it is brilliant, I think you'll all agree. The week was yet another good one, if I do say so myself and we had some brilliant pieces of work created by all of you lot. The adverts were simply amazing and we were very impressed by them and I'm looking forward to continuing them next week! Unfortunately, due to the slightly forgetful mind I possess, there were no photo's taken! However, this brilliant video should do nicely until next week and keep your creative juices flowing!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Romeo and Juliet

So, after the mystery of what we were going to be doing this term finally solved with Romeo and Juliet being the answer, the first piece of real drama got under way. We created prologues and film trailers using the prologue in Romeo and Juliet as inspiration. The wide variety of work created was not the only stunning thing though, with the quality of work being fantastic.

Also, this week herald the start of a new direction for TYA as we were asked to do a radio play. With the writing of the script already taking place, it promises to be a brilliant term!

Monday 30 August 2010

New Term

Well it's the week leading up to the new term and it's a new person writing the blog. I'm Simon and I popped up a few weeks before the end of the old term and I should be with you through to around Christmas time.
You all made me feel very welcome and I hope to see you all again on Saturday. The stuff we've got lined up is looking brilliant and I've very excited about it. Jess is still there in the back ground and while she isn't going to be there any more, we are calling each other constantly to ensure the change over is smooth!
Anyway, I hope that it's as exciting a time for you as it is for me and I look forward to working with you to create some great, original drama!


Monday 9 August 2010

Mister Maker

Recently, a member of Little Actors filmed with BBC on the programme Mister Maker. Hopefully the start of a successful career!


Thursday 15 July 2010

A personal note

I just wanted to say a few words to thank all of you for your hard work over these last couple of years, I have had a fantastic time teaching you all and I am so proud! These past 5 years have been an incredible experience, and I have learnt so much as well as trying to share some of my knowledge with you, in the hope that you might have learnt something (I think you have!) I am going to miss all of you and even though I stress and shout every week, I don't know what I'm going to do without you. My Saturdays are going to be empty now! You have all changed so much over the time I've known you, and you're all grown up!

I'm going to stop before I cry again, but seriously, you are all fantastic performers, and never stop acting! I'll come and visit soon :)!


(Oh, and thanks for my card!)

The end of an era...(part 2)

This week was the end of the term showcase and a celebration of 5 years of TYA. It was also a final farewell to two leaders, Sian and, well, me! It began with a quick workshop to finalise current pieces of work for the show, and a couple of run-throughs for the musical theatre group. The students then put together an opening on the show, creating tableaux based on the theme of 'memories'. 

The final show was fantastic, opening with the film below, and with a selection of work from the past 5 years and some students even wrote pieces especially for the show in smaller groups. The pieces that they'd been working on this last term were excellent, showing a complete variety of characters and even though their starting points were similar, all of the groups had come up with something completely different. Some groups had put together films to enhance their pieces and these were shown along with their work. It was a great day, even if it did become emotional towards the end!

Thanks go to the students for all their hard work over the past term!


Sunday 11 July 2010

The end of an era

This video was shown at the TYA 5 Year Showcase to celebrate student's work. (And to laugh at everyone as well!)


Monday 5 July 2010

An invitation...

2010 marks 5 years of TYA! So all members of TYA from any time are invited to a free workshop from 12-1 on the 10th July at Malbank School. The work produced will be performed from 1.30 in front of friends and family, along with pieces the current group have been working on, and a selection of scenes from past shows. 

We hope you can join us!


Sunday 4 July 2010

July Performance

This week was the last week for NYA's dance teacher, Gladys, and her dance group performed in front of friends and family. The two different age groups each performed a fantastic piece, and the show finished with the musical theatre group performing two songs from the showcase next week. Gladys will be sadly missed!


Greenal, Greynal and a bit of script work

The Little Actors have been recently working on the story of two different islands, named Greenal and Greynal. As the story has developed, they have explored the ideas of teacher in role, improvisation, persuasive language and building upon a description to create something visual.

The Young Actors have been continuing their separate pieces, but also developing their skills as young performers. They have looked at a variety of texts and different ways of performing language, including short scenes from Lord of the Flies. Each student is able to perform some of their work to the the rest of the group every week. 

Musical Theatre continues to grow  as does the student's confidence. They are working on pieces for the showcase.