Wednesday 10 February 2010

A Fabulous Performance...

TYA Present 'Sleeping Beauty'

Saturday was another early start with some students coming in to completely finish the set, which, in the end, looked fantastic! The best set we have ever had! At half ten, all of the students arrived to get into costume and make-up ready for a quick rehearsal. There was a really great surprise for myself and the other leaders when the backdrop for the second act was revealed, which had been done by some students and parents! A massive thank-you from everyone, it would have been no where near as good without you! 

The morning was a rehearsal which included the dancers as well as Holly and Charis' song for the first time, which were both fabulous additions to the show. 

After this, we let the audience in for the first time and the curtain went up with no empty seats. Both performances were brilliant, and the audience loved it as well, which was shown by their enthusiasm to get involved in the pantomime atmosphere. We also welcomed some of the Malpas group, who came to watch as they have also performed the pantomime.

The two sets for the show painted by students

The students have worked incredibly hard over the past few weeks, and the final shows were proof of this. We are really proud of all the students for the energy, time and effort put in to the show.

Don't forget that NYA is on this week!


Please note that photographs are dependent upon many things, and with an audience, it is difficult to take pictures of everyone, so please don't be disappointed! 

1 comment:

  1. amazing pictures jess! :D the play was ace, well done everyone!!!!!!!! XDXDXD x
