Monday 1 February 2010

Remember, how the stars stole the night away...

TYA All Day Dress Rehearsal

The day started early for some students with a small group painting the backdrop for the show, which was finished just in time for the first run through and looked absolutely fantastic! 

After putting the scenery in place, the students ran through the second act and put together individual scenes for the first time. It was then time for the first full run through, which couldn't have gone any better-it looked brilliant! Only a few minor tweaks were needed, and it was really impressive how well the students knew the show and how much energy everyone gave. 

Following a break for lunch, the students performed the show in front of the very first audience member! This was the final run through for the day and looked amazing! 

With an hour to spare, the whole group played some games as well as releasing some energy by having fun with the parachute!!

Next week promises to be great, and in fact both shows sold out within one week! 

A special thank-you to the members of the group who painted the scenery during lunch times at Malbank School, we are really grateful, and wouldn't have been able to do it without you!


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